Nothing seems to be going as planned these days. Today I was supposed to go to the gym in the morning to swim and do a brick workout, and then do my errands in the afternoon. But when I woke up this morning I could hardly walk because my calf muscles were so sore. I also had a pounding headache from not sleeping well for several nights in a row. It's been too hot in our room, and Matt has been working too hard making him more tired than usual and as a result he has been snoring longer and louder and more frequently than usual. So this morning instead of going to the gym and working out I sat on my butt and did my nails. I think they turned out super cute.
4th of July nails! |
Didn't burn too many calories though. I ate a light lunch: some turkey meat and a string cheese and we left to run errands. I bought my official racing outfit! My shorts are an xl and my top a large. I guess they don't really need to make racing outfits too large since most people who participate in triathlon races aren't heavy. But at least I fit into the outfit! I wouldn't have fit two years ago, and probably not even when I first started training. I will post a picture whenever I get around to taking a picture of me in it. I should have taken one in the dressing room as I don't have access to a full length mirror anywhere else, but of course you don't think of those things when you have two little kids with you. I also ran to WalMart to get Chloe another swim suit and some items for this weekend. We are going to Mt. Princeton to swim in the hot springs and then to the ranch. If everything goes as planned I will be doing two open water swims, one bike ride and hopefully one run during our vacation there. (That is IF everything goes as planned).
I feel like my triathlon training is falling apart. It seems that getting in all the training is increasingly more difficult now. That is probably because I can't workout 6 days a week and my training sessions are all at least an hour long so it is very difficult to combine two sessions into one day because that makes for a minimum of a 2 hour workout. Besides that, it is hard for me to run for an hour and then go bike for an hour. It's one thing to run for 30 minutes then go bike for 30 minutes, it's a whole different ball game to do both for an hour. I think I need to get some GU or some Shot Blocks so that when I do longer training sessions I don't have an energy crash. There was one workout that I had to stop because I just hit a wall. (It was when I was trying to combine two workouts into one day and I just had to quit about 10 minutes into the second workout, I just didn't have any energy). I have also heard that you should try whatever energy boost you are going to be using before race day because you might find that certain kinds make you feel sick. This weekend will be a good time to try some out.
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