Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

I had a good Mother's Day today.  My husband and kids bought me an awesome necklace.

I love it, it's so sparkly! I haven't written in a while because I haven't had much to say.  I was tracking my food and not worrying about what I ate and noticed that I was eating about 2300-2500 calories a day.  That's a bit high, and is causing me to gain weight.  I'm back at about 175, and I bought some summer clothes and my pants are size 14 and my shirts are larges.  However, I just can't muster up the commitment to actually try to lose weight, especially with the prospect of getting pregnant soon.  It's like: why bother? 

So what I am doing is going to work on my habits.  The good thing about all of this is that I have finally reached a "norm" for me.  Or in other words I have established a baseline in which I feel like I can start changing habits to make healthier habits for myself.  I'm going to work on changing one habit a month and if I feel like I need a little extra time I will allow myself an extra month or whatever I need.  I feel like this is a good way to go at the moment since I am not exactly going to be losing weight while pregnant, but hopefully I can use the time to change bad habits I have and when I come out of it, maybe I won't be as large as I was when Chloe was born and maybe I will be eating healthier and in a better place, making long term changes slowly, and in a manner that I can actually sustain them for the long term. 

So  last month was Soda month.  My soda goal for now is to drink only two 12-oz cans a day.  No more than that.  I didn't succeed every day, and I'm still working on it, but I feel pretty good about being able to fairly consistently drink only 2 cans a day.  I feel like I'm in control and I can add a second habit to begin changing.  The habit I am going to work on this month is to make sure I eat only one dessert a day.  Tracking my food made me realize that many times I will eat multiple desserts or sweets a day.  I will have a handful of skittles and then cookies later.  I will eat dessert after lunch and dinner.  Usually consisting of a combination of candy at one point in the day and baked goods at another, or when I'm making desserts, I eat desserts while I am making them and also after they are finished.  So cutting it back to only one dessert a day is going to save me a lot of calories.  Now I'm not making that one pea sized dessert, but one good sized dessert a day for now.  That is a hard enough but small enough change for present and we can work on frequency and size later. 

That's about all I have for now.  I think I am going to try to make shorter posts more frequently rather than longer posts since I don't really have a whole lot to say on the weight loss side.  The tone of my blog is going to change for a while, but I hope you still find some value in it.

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