Friday, June 10, 2016

Nutrition, high and low

You know what's going to be nice is when my workout clothes fit again.  I have a few items that I can still wear, but most of my clothes no longer fit.  It makes working out 5 days a week either hard because of laundry, or gross because I don't do laundry.  But whatever, it's only one hour a day and then I can shower and be less gross. 

Anyway, on with the topic for today.  I snuck a peak at the scale this morning and was down to 177.2.  Most excellent.  I hope I can at least maintain that weight for my official weigh in on Monday. 

I thought I would give a peak at my food logs for this week.  I figured I would give my highest calorie day and my lowest calorie day so here it is. 

Lowest: Tuesday with 1,754 calories

Homemade hashbrowns 4 oz 300 cal
two poached eggs                   147 cal

Avocado half                           125 cal
Boars Head Turkey 1.5 oz      45 cal
Rudi's Sourdough bread 2 slices   180 cal
Basil Pesto     1 tbsp.                  82 cal
Onions 2 tbsp.                           8 cal
Fire roasted tomatoes in olive oil  60 cal
 (lunch was a sandwich in case you couldn't tell)

Brussels sprouts- 1 cup               38 cal
Coconut oil   3/4 tbsp.               90 cal
Grapes  1 cup                            62 cal
Rib Eye Steak 6 oz                   300 cal

One Peach                                  66 cal
1 cup goldfish                           140 cal

1/2 cookie White chocolate       110

So it wasn't the absolutely healthiest day but it is a vast improvement upon what I was eating in the past. 

Highest Calorie day: Friday, total calories: 2,511

3 eggs scrambled                 180 cal
Almondmilk 1 cup              30 cal
Avocado oil   1 tsp              43 cal
onions 2 tbsp.                      8
red bell pepper  2 tbsp.       6
Macadamia nuts 1/2 oz     100
(I had an egg scramble with some nuts on the side)

Onions                                  8
Sourdough bread 2 slices      180
Basil Pesto                            82
Roast Beef    3 oz                 105
Apple 1 medium                   80
3/4 peach                              44
Vinegar and sea salt chips    140

Olive Garden Shrimp Scampi      570
Olive Garden 2 breadsticks          280
Olive Garden Chicken and Gnocchi soup 1/2 bowl   125

Home made white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies 4 cookies  528 calories

So today was the highest day in calories, but I'm not worried about it very much I didn't go way overboard on anything, I chose a reasonable dinner at a restaurant that has many meals that are around 1,500 calories a meal.  The only thing I regret is the soup because I had forgotten that that particular soup was white, meaning it was probably cooked with milk, (or half and half or heavy cream, it's all wreaks the same havoc in my digestive system) meaning I now have a stomach ache.  I started feeling sick as soon as we left the restaurant.  I should have not eaten a single bite when I saw it and realized that it was made with dairy, but I am still me and I love that soup and didn't want it to go to waste so I thought I could eat half of it and get away with it.  Well, we will see what tonight brings, but right now I'm managing.  If it doesn't get worse then I can deal, however the pain has a bad habit of hitting around 11pm when I've just fallen asleep or I'm trying to fall asleep.  Probably because I'm no longer moving. 

Well, anyway, that is all for today.  The plan for Saturday and Sunday is to keep it a little lighter and stay out of the cookies I made tonight.  I went all day Wednesday and Thursday without any dessert so lets see if I can go Saturday and Sunday and make that four days this week with no dessert.  That seems pretty reasonable to me

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