Friday, April 21, 2017

Going Keto

After much contemplation and prayer, I have decided to try the Ketogenic diet.  I've realized a few things this past week 1. I simply can't lose weight without some sort of diet mentality.  Unless I have external factors forcing me to change the way I eat, I simply will not do it of my own will and volition alone.  I've been trying it for a year and a half and the only results I ever got were the two times I tried the Whole 30.  However, the Whole 30 is too expensive, and requires too much will power, work, planning and suffering for me to stick with it for the long term, and quite frankly for me I don't think the results are worth the effort.  For all that work I only lose 6 pounds a month.  For some that seems like a lot but seriously, I can lose six pounds a month through calorie restriction (when I'm focused like I have to be on Whole 30) and it's a lot cheaper, a lot less work and I don't have to give up some of my absolute favorites such as diet soda. 

So knowing that I need something, and knowing what I have tried: Paleo, Whole 30, Calorie restriction, Weight Watchers.  I don't really want to go back to any of the old methods, especially since I've been doing calorie restriction and unless I say "I'm on a diet, I can't eat that it has too many calories" I am not sticking with it.  And I'm not sure that's a mental place I want to be right now.  I have heard great things about the Keto diet, and it's been recommended to me by someone on this blog, by my chiropractor, and I have a good friend who is currently doing it and getting some great results.  I figure if I try it and I fail I know exactly what will happen:  I will binge like I always do after Whole 30 and then pretty much end up right back in the same boat that I'm in right now.  So there is no harm in trying.  And I'm going to give it a really good try.  My goal right now is to stick to it for six months.  (Thinking ahead that puts me at the beginning of November so when I get there the plan is to stick it out until January, but 6 months seems more manageable than 8 months for some reason, it's all mind games). 

Usually with diets, the longer I'm on them, the harder it is to keep going.  Theoretically this one is the opposite from what I've heard.  The longer you are on this one the easier it is supposed to get.  Unlike Whole 30, this one is meant to be a lifestyle that you stick with for the long term, adjusting to your needs as you go.  I figure if I can do the Whole 30 which is more restrictive in many ways, then I can stick this out.  There are many similarities between the two plans, but the Whole 30 doesn't allow you to recreate your favorite foods out of Whole 30 approved ingredients such as: bread, tortillas, desserts etc.  Whereas Keto doesn't really care how you eat the food, as long as you are getting the right ratios.  That is something I'm excited about.  There are Keto approved desserts and that makes me happy.  Another huge difference is that on Whole 30 you are not allowed any artificial sweeteners, whereas on Keto you are.  Stevia is pretty much the standard on Keto, but researching diet sodas it seems to be a gray area where it would be preferred for optimal health not to drink them, but if you feel like you are getting the results you want while drinking diet soda then no one seems to care much.  That was always the hardest part of Whole 30, I had to give up diet soda, and if I don't have to do that on Keto, it will go over much better.

So I've ordered some cookbooks on Amazon because I'm obsessed with cookbooks and my Chiropractor directed me to a sight called  who has a lot of resources, and I've started listening to a keto podcast called "2 Keto dudes" which has been interesting and funny and informative.  I'm planning on starting the beginning of next month.  I need the time to figure everything out since it's a new diet and I will need to figure out my ratios and hit up the grocery store. 

Well that's all for now


  1. I think you will like keto. Once your food cravings are gone it creates a very freeing feeling. It took a few months but I gave up all artificial sweeteners because they began to taste too sweet. Do lots of research and be ready for your hormones to go crazy for awhile. It also has helped many ladies get pregnant. There are lots of great Facebook pages with tons on info. I wish you all the best!!

    1. Thanks! I'm doing a lot of research and mostly I'm liking what I'm finding, lots of variety so you can really personalize it. It seems less confining than the whole 30. I'm hoping if I can get through the Whole 30 fog and withdrawal then I can get through the first part of Keto too!

  2. Excited to see your progress. I hope you keep us informed on your thoughts. I feel like you and I both do roller coaster eating. We're either on plan, or off. I also know I can not lose weight or maintain if I don't diet, because I cannot just eat. I think my brain is missing the I'm full button.

    1. Thank you for your comment! It motivated me to write today, and now I want to write more about what I'm finding out! I think I will do a blog post about how eating carbs affects your hunger signals and how eating fats affects your hunger signals. I certainly can eat to the point where my stomach physically won't hold any more and I still mentally feel hungry. Apparently that is an effect of eating too many carbs. Who knew?
