Wednesday, August 17, 2016

2/3 through

Day 20!  Officially 2/3 through the Whole 30.  I've had a couple tricky navigations I've had to make this past week.  I went to the mall and had lunch with my family.  Fortunately I had a pretty hardy snack right before we left of dried mangos and paleo nut butter.  I simply ate a bowl of fruit from Chick-fil-a.  I was thinking I could eat the grilled chicken nuggets, but fortunately they have their ingredients list posted online and unfortunately their seasoning has sugar and maltodexterin in it.  Then I thought I could have the superfoods greens side but they mix a maple vinegerette into that so I'm sure that had sugar or maple syrup in it, so I just stuck with the fruit and ate something more when I got home. 

Last night we had a family dinner at my parent's house.  I made a yummy sweet potato and brussels sprouts side dish, and brought some compliant sausage for me and my mom. 

I've made coconut cauliflower rice, and curried mango tuna cakes

And I've been making a lot of salads for lunch.  I'm glad I like salads.  I didn't make many of them for my first whole 30.  I've been feeling pretty good.  Not to where I was before my miscarriage but then again, I was much thinner and hadn't been eating quite as bad before my first Whole 30.  Besides, 20 days is not going to undo 8 months of bad eating. 

I did Zumba for the first time yesterday.  It was hard.  Good greif , I guess that is what happens when you don't exercise for 8 months.  But the only way from here is forward.  Going back will not help.  I've been back there, I know what it's like.  Low energy, depression, feeling bad about myself.  So forward it is.

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