Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Past Few Days

The past three days have gone well.  Tuesday evening we went out to Chick Fil A for dinner and I ordered a chicken soup with a chicken cobb salad.  I ended up getting the crispy chicken and then in hindsight I figured I probably should have ordered the grilled chicken, but by that time I was so hungry I didn't think straight while ordering.  We were out late unexpectedly and I had only had a shakeology for lunch and I didn't have a snack to carry me over.  I did my exercise Monday-Wednesday getting in three out of my four workouts already in for the week.  I don't want to workout more than four days a week.  Thinking back on the past three years, it wasn't until I started exercising six days a week that I started having problems with binging and my weight stalled.  I'm sure it's because I was working out more which caused me to be hungrier but I did not increase my caloric intake from the extra exercise, which led to me feeling super hungry and then led to binging episodes.  Just one of the many factors.  Besides with two little kids at home, I don't need or want to exercise any more than four days a week.  There is lots to do and they keep me pretty active. 

Today I helped Chloe learn how to ride a bike.  It went ok for a first time.  She has to get her feet going better but by the end she kind of understood how to push down.  She still has a long way to go.  We also went to the park in the afternoon because we finally had a decent day.  It was 57 degrees today, the warmest it's been in a long time.  We've had 30 degree weather for over a month.   Lily rode her bike to the park and Chloe went in the wagon.  I had to run to keep up with Lily, so that was some additional exercise.  You can certainly get in a lot of exercise in a day with little kids, all you have to do is choose to be active.  I can choose to sit on the couch all day or I can choose to dance with my kids and do activities and to be active.  Each way of life is possible, I've lived both ways of life.  Now I am choosing to live a more active life.  It makes everyone happier.

I have been feeling a lot better physically, mentally, and emotionally since I have started eating better.  It never ceases to amaze me how much what you eat affects you.  When I eat junk food and sweets I feel just awful.  I am angry, tired, and moody.  When I eat whole foods I feel good, have more energy, and am much more positive. 

I was still pretty tired in the afternoon today.  Afterall I did Cize in the morning, then went in for (hopefully) my final blood draw, then taught Chloe how to ride a bike, then took the kids to the park.   I'm tired. 

Leftover Chicken Fajitas for dinner.  Still not tracking.  I figure when I stop losing weight I can start thinking about changing what I'm doing.  But for now, this is hard enough.  I'm tired of dieting.  I'm tired of choosing a diet, whatever it is.  Low carb, calorie restriction, Ketosis, weight watchers, it doesn't matter.  I'm kind of trying to do intuitive eating loosely based around Paleo and Whole 30, but not super strict. 

1 comment:

  1. I am going to start the 21 day fix on Monday!! I have been of track for 3 months now. I am hoping that it all works out!
