Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Three days down, four to go.  I am happy to say that I have avoided the scale for three whole days!  I do still wonder what my weight is, and I have to resist the temptation to step on the scale before I get into the shower, but I think that this is better.  I shouldn't weigh myself every day because this week my mood has not been dependent on what the scale shows me in the morning.  I have to confess that I have not been tracking very well.  I have been eating healthy and I have been measuring my food so that is the good news.  I still measure my oatmeal for breakfast, I measure 1 tbsp of peanut butter to eat with my apple in the afternoon, I count how many slices of meat I am putting on my sandwiches.  So I don't think that I am really going over my calorie limit, but I haven't forgotten about tracking and I do plan to be better about tracking in the future, I just seem to go through phases.  All last year was the same way.  I would have a month or so where I tracked everything I ate, then I would have a month where I tracked half the things I ate and then eventually I wouldn't track anything for a while, and then I would get back to tracking.  I just have to ride this phase out and I will eventually get really into tracking again.  Instead of beating myself up about not being as consistent with my tracking, I am focusing on eating healthy food and making sure that I don't over eat.  I am eating one portion size for dinner, I am still getting my regular snacks and I have not been eating any desserts or candy.  I haven't had very much in the way of junk food either.  The only junk food I have in the house that I eat regularly at the moment is BBQ chips, and I usually only eat those for lunch and not even every day.  For instance, I have only eaten chips with my lunch today, and the other days I had grapes and veggies with hummus!  On that note, one thing I should probably be measuring but am not is the amount of hummus that I eat with my vegetables.  That is really the only thing I have been splurging on lately, and at least it is a healthy thing to splurge on!  Focusing on choosing the healthy food is great because it gives me something to focus on and it makes me feel good about myself that I am making healthy choices and not going for the junk food.  For instance, I have been snacking on grapes, strawberries, sugar snap peas, Greek yogurt, apples, carrots, hummus, and string cheese instead of chips, crackers, gold fish, those muffins Matt made me buy from Costco, chocolate chips, and other various things that still linger around the house.

On a completely different note, I got my eyebrows waxed today for Emily's wedding on Saturday.  It was long overdue and I love the way they turned out.

Bushy eyebrows no more! 

Today was my rest day and so I made the most of it by going to a meetup and it was lots of fun!  Today is the first really nice day in quite some time and it was great to go outside and let the kids play outside and run around and hang out with other kids.  It was also nice to see some of my friends from the group I haven't seen in a while.  The two people I usually hang out with canceled due to sick kids so I was forced to meet new people and catch up with some of the others I haven't seen in a long time.  It was good for me, I don't always do well making new friends since after the basic introductions conversation tends to trickle out.  I guess I just really click with some people and with others I don't.  I think that is normal though.  And I like familiarity, so I like to hang out with people I know. 

We spent most of the afternoon playing around outside since it is supposed to get cold again tomorrow.  I always try to be more active on my rest days since I am not exercising. 

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